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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Who are Johann and Katherina Schlotterback???

According to this site,, Johann Schlotterback was born in Pennsylvania in 1734 and died in 1782 at the young age of 48.  In the picture below is Johann and Katherina Schlotterback and family provided by a S. Evilsizer.

A simple click on Johann Schlotterback here, Johann Schlotterback, has got me more confused than when I first started.  Is she directly related to Hans Gorg Schlotterback???   And who's who in the photo above?

If her Hans was her Father then how was she born in the new land in 1734?   And when was this pic taken?
We'll get this all solved folks, if we comment on these posts I can update this blog as the mystery begins to solve itself.