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Sunday, May 30, 2010

A good read from "History of Marion County, Iowa, and its people" 1915


Age 38 in 1898

Born 1860 and passed on in 1911
John Davie Schlotterback is at present county auditor and has demonstrated his fitness for public office by the conscientiousness and capability with which he has discharged the duties devolving upon him.  He was born in Knoxville, Iowa, on the i3th of March, 1860, a son of Michael and Johanna (Toler) Schlotterback, natives of Ohio and Indiana respectively.  The paternal grandfather was John Schlotterback, a resident of Pennsylvania of German descent.  He was a carpenter by trade and went to Ohio in the early days of the history of that state.  In the '505 he came to Iowa and located in this county, where he resided until his death.  His wife lived to reach the remarkable age of one hundred years.

John Davie Schlotterback was reared upon the home farm and received that well-rounded education common to the sons of farmers, as he was not only well grounded in the fundamental branches of book learning, but also learned the principles of agriculture and became familiar by actual experience with the work of the farm. He followed agricultural pursuits until he was twenty years of age and then learned the printer's trade and was employed for many years on various Knoxville and Des Moines papers. In 1893 he was elected city assessor of Knoxville for a two-year term and in 1895 was reelected, serving until January i, 1898. Subsequently he was again employed at the printer's trade in Knoxville until the spring of 1907, when he was again elected city assessor, resigning that position, however, on the ist of January, 1909, to become deputy county auditor. In 1912 he was elected county auditor, taking office in January of the year following. He was his party's candidate for reelection in November, 1914, and was chosen by a handsome majority, leading his ticket. As county auditor he has made a record of which he may well be proud, and his present term of office does not expire until January i, 1917. He has been prompt, accurate and systematic in the performance of his work and has been uniformly courteous in his treatment of those with whom he has been brought in contact in an official capacity.

Mr. Schlotterback is a democrat in his political affiliation and stanchly supports the candidates and measures of that party. Fraternally he belongs to the lodge and encampment of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Red Men, the Foresters, the Knights of Pythias and the Moose. He and his wife are both members of the Rebekahs. His entire life has been spent in this county and the fact that those who have known him intimately from his early youth are his truest friends is incontrovertible proof of the genuineness of his worth as a man.

For the entire read go here:  Google Books

Was Hans Gorg Schlotterback from Mittelstadt, Germany?

Behold the map below, is this the city of birth of OUR Hans Gorg Schlotterback?  We know that Hans was born in German in 1735 then departed for "The New World" in 1751 at the age of 16.  But where was he born?   I've heard several reports out there that it was in the city of Mittelstadt. 

Here's a Google Map of Mittelstadt!

View Larger Map

Now I don't know if this 100% true but I'm trying!   Help me, am I on the right track? 

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Old yet cool documents on Michael Schlotterback

Now don't go killing your eyes, just click on the document and it'll blow up so you can read it.  Some of his children were born in Knoxville's Schlotterback Cemetery.

This document has info on Michael Schlotterback and his 6 kids!  Michael lived in Ohio, Indiana and finished off his 93 good years in Iowa.  Michael was born in 1818, married in 1842 and was laid to rest in 1911. 

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A wonderful photo of Clyde Schlotterback

Here's a photo of Clyde Schlotterback out of Iowa taken in 1981 by Mike Schlotterback - his Great-Grandson!   Mike e-mailed me this photo with a nice e-mail complimenting the web site and telling me how he has more information about the Schlotterback family line dating all the way back to Hans George!

It goes without saying, we're excited!

Clyde Schlotterback  - 1981

Clyde Schlotterback in 1887

  Clyde was born August 23rd, 1886 and worked his whole live in Iowa.  Over 50 years this man worked for a newspaper in Knoxville, Iowa laying the media foundation for central Iowa.  The baby photo was an old "tintype" photo, don't know what it means?   Click here:  Tintype Photos

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A George Schlotterback headstone - I'm confused!

So I found this recent photo of a George Schlotterback cemetery headstone.  From what I can tell it reads his birth in 1830 and he passed on in 1905 putting him at a nice 75 years of life.  

This cemetery is located in southwest corner of Washington State - Washougal Cemetery.

(click on the photo to blow it up full size)

Who can help me piece this one together?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Coming to straight out of Knoxville, Iowa...

...the one, the only, The Schlotterback Cemetery!

Thanks to Bryan & Amanda Schlotterback, local Knoxville residents (and Bryan a local celebrity athlete) we have updated photos of The Schlotterback Cemetery.

Located in Knoxville, Iowa, is a cemetery named after our family name.  It's located right in the middle of a golf course on the grounds of the VA Medical Center.  It's across the street from Knoxville's "other" cemetery Graceland where Dwight and Marguerite Schlotterback are burried.   (Thad and Chad's grandparents)

* First burial is reported to be in 1842
* Persons buried there: John, Elizabeth, Anna. Maybe others?
*  It's been vandalized over the years.  :-(

  Google Map of Cemetery